Prayer for Lent

Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. The forty days of Lent represents the time Jesus spent in the wilderness, enduring the temptation of Satan and preparing to begin his ministry. Lent is a time of repentance, fasting and preparation for the coming of Easter.

During this season of Lent, we would like to invite friends and supporters of ReconciliAsian to pray for peace in the Korean Peninsula. The Hanoi Summit between North Korea and the United States abruptly ended and many were disappointed at the missed opportunity to officially end the Korean War. However, we believe that God, the Author of Life and Resurrection, is ultimately in control- above any political or national powers. We commit to following the Prince of Peace who has broken down the walls of hostility between us and will live into that reality with prayer and action.

A prayer for peace in Northeast Asia

Dear Lord, send your Spirit to establish peace between nations.
We bring before you the disunity of Northeast Asia,
it’s history of injustice and oppression,
the fear of the unknown,
and now threats of nuclear war.

May your church be a voice of reason,
reaching across divides to speak peace in a region
that has endured 70 years of hostility and division.
Strengthen the will of those who work for reconciliation and peace. 

Renew your church
And give us the peace which the world cannot give, Amen.

During this season of Lent, we also want to encourage those living in America to contact Congress and let them know that it's time to end the Korean War. Here is a link provided by Mennonite Central Committee on how to contact your representative.

May all of us who have been called to the ministry of reconciliation continue to lead with hope and resilience during this critical time in Northeast Asia.


Savoring the Moment