Trauma and Resilience in the Korean Church

What is trauma? How does trauma impact our homes, churches, and communities? How can we heal from trauma? What are some tools to build resilience from trauma?

We invite you to examine these pertinent questions with us for three full intensive days this month.  

Jeehye Kim is a Fuller graduate with a Marriage and Family Therapist degree and an active board member of ReconciliAsian. Sue Park-Hur is a co-founder of ReconciliAsian and the Denominational Minister for Leadership Development for Mennonite Church USA. They have served in Korean immigrant churches for 50 years combined and have deep insights about the pain and strength immigrants possess.

As Strategies for Trauma Awareness and Resilience (STAR) practitioners, Jeehye and Sue are excited to co-lead this program. Feel free to share with friends who speak Korean and are interested in learning skills to help churches and communities to break out of the cycle of unhealed trauma. 

Date: September 20-22 (10am-5pm)
Location: Fuller Theological Seminary
Co-Sponsor: Fuller Intercultural Network
Language: Seminar will be in Korean
Registration fee: $200


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