Gratitude 2020

We thank my God every time we remember you

Hi friends,

It is hard to believe this challenging year is coming to a close. There is a sense of relief that this long year is almost over, but we are also keenly aware that the pandemic still rages in our communities and inhibits us from gathering freely and being in physical spaces together.

In spite of the challenges, the new normal has opened up new ways to connect and be with one another. As adaptive and creative beings, we are learning that sacred spaces can be created even through Zoom. We can pray, cry, tap, shake, and laugh with each other in chat boxes, with emojis and nods on the camera. People joined our webinars from Canada, Australia, South Korea, and across the United States from different time zones to remind each other that we need each other to survive and imagine a new normal. And for all of these unexpected gifts. we give thanks.

We give thanks to those who showed up to humbly learn, listen, and to be present with each other as speakers and participants. We give thanks to Hyeyoon, our newest staff, who has brought fresh spirit, artistic skills and deep wisdom to the organization. We give thanks to our supporters-old and new, volunteers and board members who encouraged us to keep going in spite of limited funding and resources that came in this year. And of course, we give thanks to God for holding us through all of this and will continue to be with us through the next hard thing.


Giving Tuesday Matching Challenge

As the year ends, we have been gifted with a matching challenge up to $3,000. Your donation given from December 1-5th will be doubled. We recognize that these are hard times for all of us . financially, but we also know that people have always given sacrificially. If you feel compelled to give to sustain our ministry, we would be deeply grateful at this critical time. For more information, click here.

Voices from Board Members
(in Korean, English, Japanese)

Paul KyuJin Choi (Message in Korean)

ReconciliAsian을 통해서, 기독교적 정의와 평화가 어떤 것일지, 또 그것을 어떻게, 오늘의 현세와 컨텍스트에서 추구할수 있을 것인지에 대한 깨달음과 도전을 받았고, 또 여전히 현재진형행으로 받고 있습니다. 기독교 복음에 기초한 정의, 즉, 회복을 추구하는 정의는 무엇일지를 배워가고 있고, 또 기독교 복음에 기초한 평화, 즉, 십자가와 화해에 기초한 평화의 모습은 어떤 것일지를 상상해보는 것에 큰 도움을 받고, 그것이 하루하루 삶의 소망이 되고 있습니다.

-Paul Choi

-Kenichi Yoshida (Message in English)

-Sayuri Yoshida (Message in Japanese)

As a board member, I have been privileged to walk alongsde the Hurs and other board members as we prayerfully discuss and participate in matters that focus on Korean Americans and other Asian immigrants, African Americans and Indigenous Peoples group within the systemically racialized social structure of the American Society.

Sayuri Yoshida


Pandemic Christmas 2020