Pandemic Christmas 2020


Jang Woo-sung, Madonna and Child

My soul glorifies the Lord
and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
for he has been mindful

of the humble state of his servant.
From now on all generations will call me blessed,
for the Mighty One has done great things for me

holy is his name.
His mercy extends to those who fear him,
from generation to generation.
He has performed mighty deeds with his arm;
he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts.
He has brought down rulers from their thrones
but has lifted up the humble.
He has filled the hungry with good things
but has sent the rich away empty.
He has helped his servant Israel,
remembering to be merciful
to Abraham and his descendants forever,
just as he promised our ancestors.
Luke 1:46-55

In this unexpected year marked by the pandemic that has unveiled layers of social, racial, economic and health injustices in our society, we mourn. We pause to remember many of us who have experienced deep loss and loneliness and may experience it more sharply through the holidays. We see you and pray for you.

May Mary's prophetic and ancient song give you strength to receive Immanual, God with us, who is creating a world as it ought to be and reconciling all things to God. May that message bring deep joy to us all this Christmas.

Deep and SLOW gratitude 

In a world that shouts bigger, more, higher, and faster is a pathway to success and impact, ReconciliAsian has chosen a road that is SLOW: S-smaller, L-lesser, OW-lOWer and slOWer.

We have been convinced that contrast community from the margins is where history is made. The small but prophetic voice from the periphery to the center is the heartbeat of the Jesus movement.  With this belief, ReconciliAsian has moved SLOWly for the past 8 years.

On Giving Tuesday, we have received an enormous and unexpected outpouring of support. Our goal of $3,000 matching challenge was met with additional $12,000. This generous gift was a concerted effort of over 100 sacrificial gifters. $15,000 from 100 supporters may not seem significant to a large organization, but to a small nonprofit like ours, it was overwhelming.

We want to thank all of you who have been on the SLOW road with us for the past 8 years. With your encouragement and support, we will continue on the path of building the vision of Psalm 85:10:

Love and faithfulness meet together; righteousness and peace kiss each other.

작게(Small), 적게(Less), 낮게(lOw), 느리게(sloW)... 줄여서 SLOW라로 할 수 있을 겁니다. ReconciliAsian은 크고, 많고, 높고, 빨라야 인간으로서의 가치를 인정 받는다고 세뇌하는 세상에 길들여지지 않은 대조사회(contrast community)를 꿈꾸며 SLOW의 길을 선택합니다.

대조사회는 중심부가 아닌 주변(margin)에서 시작된다고 역사는 우리를 설득합니다. 주변에서 중심을 향해 예언자적 외침을 하는 운동이 예수 따르는 운동이라고 믿습니다. 돌다리를 두드리는 심정으로 사역을 할 때마다 SLOW를 마음에 새기다보니 어느 새 8년이 지났네요.

이번 주 Giving Tuesday를 통해서 저희가 생각지도 못했던 큰 선물을 받았습니다. 예상 보다 두 배 반이 넘는 후원금도 그렇지만, 이번에 후원하신 분들만도 100명이 넘었다는 것입니다. 저를 한 번도 만난 적이 없으신 분들도 여럿 계셨지요. 큰 단체를 운영하시는 분들에겐 턱없이 적은 숫자이겠지만, 저희에겐 이래도 되는 거냐라는 질문이 나올만했습니다.

그러고보니 저희가 지향해 온 것이 많게, 빠르게도 있었더군요. 평화, 정의, 화해를 지향하는 작은 교회와 단체들이 도시마다 있었으면, 많이 있었으면, 그리고 빨리 확산되었으면 하는 마음말입니다. 정말 그렇게 되었으면 좋겠습니다.

지난 8년 동안, 그리고 지난 Giving Tuesday 이벤트를 통해 마음과 물질 후원으로 함께 길을 걸어주신 모든 친구들, 동역자들께 이 기회를 빌어 다시 감사의 말씀을 전합니다. 그늘진 모퉁이에서도 정의와 평화가 입맞추도록 일하라는 격려로 받겠습니다.


Jubilee Reimagined in 2021


Gratitude 2020