Giving Tuesday 2021

Thank you, family

He replied to him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” (Matthew 12: 48)

This pandemic season has been traumatic for many of us. We have faced waves of personal and collective loss, grief, and unspeakable pain. However, we have also learned deep wisdom through our collective suffering: we are family.

The family that Jesus talks about goes beyond kinship; it is a social reordering. Our allegiance to one another is no longer limited by blood ties, but we are intimately interconnected by following Jesus. This new ordering in Christ breaks down the wall separating "Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female (Gal 3:28)" and liberates us to live into the new creation, the new family.

If you are receiving this letter, we consider you part of the ReconciliAsian family. You have followed and supported our work because in your journey of following Jesus, your path crossed ours. We are so grateful for your support and encouragement through the last eight years. We hope to continue to relate and connect you with other relatives in the family of God locally and globally. Peace of Christ be with you, sibling.

Other ways to support us!

Shop with a cause: you can support us by doing part of your holiday shopping via ReconciliAsian Store that feature Asian American artists.

ReconciliAsian long sleeve shirt

Cards by Dona Park

Resource Recommendation

If you are feeling the pandemic fatigue wearing on you, you are not alone. Stop AAPI Hate study found that one in five Asian Americans who have experienced racism display racial trauma, the psychological and emotional harm caused by racism.

There is still much stigma in AAPI communities in seeking help with mental health issues, but the younger generation is providing creative platforms to address them. Here are a few that we have been following.

Feeling Asian Podcast

Asians for Mental Health


Christmas Blessing


Matching Gift Challenge