Spring Update

On March First Movement Day (삼일절), we welcomed Dr. Jimiliz Valiente-Neighbours and her students from Point Loma Nazarene University on their California Civil Rights Pilgrimage. We explored the civil rights struggles of AAPI communities past and present by visiting Koreatown, Little Tokyo, and Chinatown. We had serendipitous encounters along the way deepening our appreciation of living in a diverse and complex city we call home.  We are standing in front of East West Players, the nation's longest-running Asian American theater.

Peacemakers Bible Reading

What grounds you as you engage in the work of peace and justice? How does the Bible inform the work of peacemaking? This year, we are digging into reading the Scriptures together and welcoming scholars and practitioners to guide us on the way.

We are grateful to Dr. Jinyoung Choi for inviting us to read the Book of Matthew from the lens of a central character-the crowd- and Jesus who has reclaimed the value of bare life. Thank you Rev. Dr. Paul Choi for surveying Luke and Acts and inviting us to turn away from the road to violence towards the road to peace. 

On April 28th, Dr. Jonghak Woo will survey the Bible as a scientist and find ways to help people in countries like the DPRK who have materialism worldview to understand the Bible. You don't want to miss this!

The presentations are in Korean.To access the video recordings, sign up for the ReconciliAsian membership program HERE. There is a $10/month membership fee to access resources, special webinars, and a Korean copy of Ched Myers' book, Sabbath Economics that is currently being translated.

Thank you (Left) Dr. Jinyoung Choi, Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School; (Right) Rev. Dr. Paul Kyu-Jin Choi, Village Church in Beaverton, OR

Celebrating Women's History Month

Thank you Sojourners for recongizing Sue, along her good friend, Elaine Enns of Bartimaeus Cooperative Ministries,
as "9 Christian Women Shaping the Church in 2024." 

Here is Sue's prayer of blessing for 2024: 

God who is close to the brokenhearted,
Christ who is acquainted with grief,
Holy Spirit who translates our groans and intercedes for us, come.
There is so much violence and carnage here.
God of life and resurrection, do your thing.
Enter our sanctuaries, streets, and soils, and breathe your life upon us.
Give us glimpses of what you’re doing in the unraveling,
and reconnect us to you and to one another.
Awaken us from the paralysis of fear, and help us to move.
Grant us bold and embodied faith that propels us to join your work
of restoration and sabbath for all your creation. Amen.

Upcoming Events

  • April 8: Hyun will give a lecture about the peace church tradition to Soongsil University students via Zoom (in Korean)

  • April 13-14:  Sue will be taking Capacitar Training at Holy Spirit Retreat Center in Encino

  • April 20 @1:30pm:  Join Hyun who will be speaking at the 10th Commemoration of the Sewol Ferry Tragedy at Immanuel Presbyterian Church 3300 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90010 (in Korean)

  • April 27: Sue will be speaking at the Mosaic Mennonite Conference Women's Retreat via Zoom (in English)

  • April 28: Peacemakers Bible Reading webinar series: Reading the Scriptures as a Scientist  by Dr. Jonghak Woo. Register here. (in Korean)


Asian Americans and Activism


Happy Lunar New Year!